Flower City Comic Con is a multi-genre convention based in Rochester NY. 2019 marks the 4th year of the event, which is produced by the Mighty Monkey Corporation, a 501(c)(3) corporation which was formed for the purpose of encouraging an interest in the following areas: Cosplay, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math), Gaming, Literature, Art and Kids.
The goal is to bring not just a convention to the area, but also make it an all-encompassing entertainment experience. The convention is produced by a group of friends who have a passion for arts, comics, gaming and pop culture and to encourage an appreciation of these areas through conventions and other community events. We are a driving force for equality, inclusion, diversity, cooperation and public service within our community.
Tracy Lynn Cruz, Karan Ashley, and Nakia Burrise will all be guests at the 2019 Flower City Comic Con. All three have portrayed the Yellow Ranger in different series in the Power Rangers franchise.
WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Hacksaw Jim Duggan and actor Michael Biehn have been added to the guest list for the 2019 Flower City Comic Con. Biehn will be at the event on Saturday April 13th and Duggan will be at the event on Sunday April 14th.
Artists Steve Geiger, Rusty Gilligan, Rob Dumo, Nick Wentland and Tristan Kelly, all from Broken Icon Comics will be guest artists this year along with local artists Caitlin Yarsky, Eugene Commodore, Nigel Carrington, and Ken Wheaton.